Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Neat Word....

cancrine (KANG-krin) adjective

1. Reading the same backwards as forwards, palindromic. For example,
"A man, a plan, a canal: Panama." (letter cancrine)
"So patient a doctor to doctor a patient so!" (word cancrine)


A. Victoria said...

MBIM, Cool though, huh? It took me a minute too. :) I am glad that you liked it!

DAB, I am glad that you get to learn something new every day. I think we should all learn something new every day, it keeps us young and energetic. We all are not like Diah, never boring. :)

Thanks for the comments!


A. Victoria said...

Deborah, I looked at Ambigrams last night. Very cool! I really liked that! Thanks for passing that on to me.

Like a Rock said...

? I don't get it. Need More Examples.