Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Neat Word...:-)

I thought this was fascinating.

orihon (OR-ee-hon) noun

A book or manuscript folded like an accordion: a roll of paper inscribed on one side only, folded backwards and forwards.

I know this really does not constitute a post. :-) I have been busy and I haven't really had the time to think of something interesting to post, or write the things I want to post. Our story, courtship, engagement and all the little things that go along with that. You will like it when we get a chance to write it, but it has not happened yet and I am not sure when it will. We are trying, I promise. :-)


natalie said...

What a fun word and interesting meaning! Thanks for sharing it. :-)

amy said...

congratulations on your engagement, your new site is so neat!!!

A. Victoria said...

Natalie, You are welcomed!

Amy, Thanks!!! We are both really excited. Matt has done a great job on the new site. Thanks!
