I read Christian brother's blog this morning and he had a new post about communication. It is very good, and if you get a chance you should read it
http://micahdavid.blogspot.com/2005/11/lets-talk.html. His post reminded me of somethings. Last year I did a speech on communication and the lack there of. My friend found a quote for me that went like this: "60% of all communication is miscommunication". Why is that? I think Micah has it right on with what he is saying in his post - "Let's talk. We have forgotten how to communicate with the brethren . We have begun to think all life is fast pace, large groups, computer screens, and telephones. We have forgotten how to sit with a person, or two people and just talk. To tell them what the Lord is doing, can do, and what we are learning from that."
We are afraid to share with our brothers and sisters in Christ and our fear and disobedience is robbing them from the blessing of seeing Christ being manifest through us. I wrote someone a few weeks ago about this very subject and we were talking about being willing to make ourselves vulnerable, for the Lord's sake. He said, it was hard to make yourself vulnerable to criticism, misunderstanding, and just plain old judgment, but once you have you are richly blessed. The brethren can comfort you when you need comfort, sharpen you when you are getting off track, and encourage you that you are not the only one out there with struggles, heart aches, and on going lessons. We as a body of believers need to go back to the basics and learn to love each other as the body of Christ. We cannot do this if we don't know each other, and we have to communicate to get to know each other. Thanks Micah for bring out some great points and making me think about this again.
I long to know my sister and brothers in Christ. To see what the Lord is teaching, blessing and bringing them through. I desire the Lord to use me to bless them, and the only way that is going to happen is if, I get to know them. I would highly recommend going to read Micah's post if you have not yet. May the Lord richly bless you all.