I have been knitting up a storm the last few weeks and can not believe how much I still have to do. I have finished 4 Christmas presents, 1 special order item, started another special order item, and finished about 10 or so other items for the craft fairs coming up this next weekend. I still have 2 special order items to finish, 4 Christmas presents and if I can get to it a few more little things for the craft fair on the 20th.
I love knitting and it is great when there is so much knitting to do, I am afraid I will not get it done (challenge) ;-)
If you do not have anything going on the 20th of November, I will be at a craft fair in Lamar and it should be a great craft fair. Lots of people and great hand crafted items. The lady that runs this fair does a good job making sure that well crafted items are shown and not everything else. :-)
I will try to post a few of the items that I most like. I am knitting the girls scarves with some really cool looking bright pink yarn the Kathryn actually picked out. Should be really cute and fun!!!